Care management for disabled adults and elders

CRW Care Management

What is a Care Manager?

A Geriatric Care Manager is a health and human services specialist who helps families who are caring for older relatives. The Geriatric Care Manager is trained and experienced in any of several fields related to care management, including, but not limited to:

                * - Nursing

                * - Gerontology

                * - Social work

                * - Psychology

with a special focus on issues relating to aging and elder care.

The Geriatric Care Manager assists older adults and persons with disabilities in attaining their maximum functional potential. In addition, the Geriatric Care Manager is an experienced guide and resource for families of older adults and others with chronic needs, including helping those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinsons or exhibiting symptoms of dementia.

Geriatric Care Managers who are members of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM) are committed to adhering to the NAPGCM Pledge of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

* - From National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers: